Computer Heritage Group

Reclaim, Repair, Restore, Respect.

Who We Are:

Put simply, we are an association of geeks and nerds interested in early microcomputers.

Centered in Kitchener-Waterloo Ontario Canada, some of us met while trading and trolling for old computers and parts using on-line classified ads. (Thank-you, kijiji.) Doing so we individually discovered that yes indeed, there were others equally fascinated with the oft-forgotten "original microcomputers".

We feel that emergence of 8-bit and similar computers represent the dawn of a new age in information technology--an age of enhanced individual capability and enpowerment.

Before the Internet and the ever-changing "modern" computer with its multiple layers of programming abstraction, there was a simpler time.

10 LET X=1

We believe the early microcomputers, as rough and frustrating as they often were, should be preserved so that future generations can see what early computing was like.

... Oh,... and yeah,... we play the games too.

Is there one specific computer you are concerned with?

No. While most of us own a Commodore 64 and the group started from a common interest in that particular machine, our collective collection currently comprises many early micros.

Are you all "fossils"?

Not by a long shot. We range in age from the 20-somethings to well into the 60's. Some of us "grew up" with these computers, while others started their scholastic careers with this one. Some of us are young IT professionals who are only now looking back to a time before they were born, to see what the computing environment used to look like.

What We Do:

We endeavor to reclaim, repair, restore, and respect old computers.

We collect hardware and software.

We meet once a month to compare notes, demonstrate our toys to each other, and brainstorm solutions to problems and group projects.

... Oh, yeah,... we play games,...

How To Join In:

We have ongoing discussions on MindFlareRetro's server at Discord, which you can join any time by using this link.

Then come out to a meet-up! There are no official memberships, no dues, and no formal club structure. We just jam.

C'mon in and find us. We think you'll agree we are a welcoming bunch.

Did I mention we play games?


We meet in Kitchener-Waterloo at 2:00 pm on the second Sunday of the month, excepting holiday weekends or Mothers' Day, when it usually pushes to the 3rd Sunday. (Note also that due to summer vacations and the like, there are no meetups in July or August.)

See the pinned message in our Discord (noted below), under "Meetups and Events", #Kitchener-Waterloo for the specific date and time of the next meetup.

We meet at:

Kwartzlab Makerspace
145 Bedford Road 2nd floor
Kitchener, ON N2G 3A3

Kwartzlab Makerspace is not only our gracious host, but a fascinating geek haven with standout facilities for whatever you wish to construct with your own two hands and imagination. Check it out!

How to Contact:

Use the link to Discord, or send email to

Useful Links:

Our discussion group on MindFlareRetro's Discord server.

MindFlareRetro's YouTube channel.

Kwartzlab Makerspace

ssshake's simply awesome TheOldNet portal. (Yes, now you can surf the Internet of days long past, and even do it with your own retro-computer!)

Founder TMA-1's personal retro-computer collection.

Future Enhancements:

Google Discussion Group


Member's Bios